A busy pizza restaurant which uses good quality ingredients for their pizzas. We were seated for quite a while before the waiter came over to take our order. Saying that, the service was good after the order was taken.
The waiter didn’t seem too impressed when we said that we just wanted to share one pizza. He perked up a little though after we said that we would have some garlic bread too!
The vegetarian pizza with its toppings of artichoke, aubergine broccoli and peppers was great and the tomato base was tasty. The cafe creme (latte) at the end of the meal was good too.
A word of warning though, don’t have the bread that they bring out in the bread basket. We saw that they took the leftover bread after the customers had left and emptied it into a bigger basket near the till. Then that same bread was dished out to other customers.
If you don’t fancy eating in the restaurant, they do a takeaway service as well.
Pizza Pino, 4 place de la Republique, 75011, Paris